Michael Kratz
I spent 10 1/2 years in the U.S. Army, 6 years as a Law Enforcement Officer in Florida, and 8 years as a government contractor where I spent most of my time in Iraq, and as a corporate trainer and coordinator. During this time, I received my Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Throughout all of my careers, I have learned much about leadership, instructing, and the cultural environment in which we work. I look forward to each time that I can educate others on what I have experienced and the methodologies to better oneself and their personal and working environment.

Torina Kratz
I grew up in a military home as an Air Force brat, as we called it. I married my husband Michael, an Army veteran. Growing up in the military and then transitioning to a dependent has provided me with knowledge and insight into business, support systems, self-motivation, drive, and much more. I have held many different types of careers from the financial field, sales, corporate training, to having our own business. I have found lessons in each and everything that I have experienced which have allowed me to not only expand myself but to also help others in their expansion.
What led us to begin Complete Holistic Coaching and Wellness.
In 2012, Tory was diagnosed with viral encephalitis.
Both pictures within minutes of the other.
I want to give you some context......
The symptoms I experienced began at work creating vision problems to where everything went black, then I would get partial site back, then it would change what I could see. Going to the ER I was provided a neurologist that was on-call that reached out the next day. Due to the on-call neurologist claiming I was imaging the above left picture paralysis, I quickly changed doctors. Thinking this would make a difference, the new doctor put me on a slew of medications that made me feel worse than I already had been, I had experienced 11 months straight of severe migraine-style headaches, facial paralysis, and trying to function with everything that came from my episodes.
Finally, going to our family's chiropractor, Dr. Tim Zook in Niceville, FL I was FINALLY able to get some relief!! That is the photos above, the right being the relief.
Our bodies are amazing! We have to provide it the proper environment and support to let it do its job.
Not only was the adjustment that I had at the chiropractor which provided me immediate relief from the paralysis, but with a referral from him to a natural holistic nurse, was I able to find out where it all began. I was then able to put my body in a more favorable situation to heal and maintain my encephalitis naturally WITHOUT medications!! HUGE!!!
How did I found out how this happened?
Through a simple blood test that showed what was in my blood. Can you believe it stemmed from Leaky Gut?!?!
I will let you look that up for your own research.
Through pharmaceutical grade herbs, green drinks and being mindful of my triggers I have been able to minimize my episodes still to this day!!
Do I still have episodes? Yes
Will I ever be rid of this? No, due to the timeframe I have had the episodes.
What did I learn from this? That we need to be very proactive in our care!
Question! Research! Question more!
We have become too complacent with the norm of taking medications that deal with symptoms and not the issue!
This is one of the many reasons why Mike and I are so very passionate about a holistic approach to wellness and healing!
We've been there! We know what it is like!! Feeling horrible to the extent that you think you will never improve!!
We are here to show you and prove that it can!!!
Let's have a conversation in your holistic healing and wellness!!